We’re told we should be making great offers…
But look at your own behaviour. Is this true?
Here’s what you may notice:
OK offers: no claims, average terms, no bonuses.
Good offers: big claims, great terms and great bonuses.
Great offers: no claims, average terms, no bonuses.
Wait… how can OK and Great be the same?
Let’s find the answer in some examples:
Let’s take a designer toy collector.
If their favourite artist launches a new drop, and they like how it looks, they just need to know the time and place. They don’t need extras or refund policies to convince them. They already set aside the funds.
Or when a new iPhone comes out.
Apple fans know that Samsung will give you a powerful phone with a great screen, 7 years of support, a charger, a free tablet, the list goes on. But they’re already set on buying the next iPhone and it hasn’t even been announced yet.
Why didn’t the designer need a ‘killer offer’?
Because the artist took them on a journey they see their role in (purveyor of fine designer goods, first to back a winning horse, the identity of having a keen eye)
Because the artist gave more than they asked for (showing up regularly at micro-events around the world, limited run drops and gifts for many years)
Because the artist made it enjoyable (collecting scarce goods is naturally addictive and enjoyable for many people)
Why didn’t Jobs need a ‘killer offer’?
Because Jobs took them on a journey they see their role in (1984 dystopian future, which he associated with Microsoft)
Because Jobs gave more than he asked for (fought for tech that cared about design, fought labels for uniform 99¢ tracks, fought for tablet segment to not be geeks-only, etc)
Because Jobs made it enjoyable (the marketing, the unboxing, the setup, the UI, the identity)
And that’s just for designer toys and gadgets.
Nobody ‘needs’ these things.
Meanwhile, my social inboxes are exploding with strangers offering to ‘grow my business’ with huge claims, seemingly-great terms and seemingly-great bonuses.
And yet I just delete them.
It’s not the offer that needs to be irresistible.
It’s the brand.
Specifically, the message/journey, value transfer, and user enjoyment.
Just like for the designer.
Just like for Jobs.
If you’re not investing in a great brand, you need to invest in ‘killer offers’.
If you’re investing in growing a great brand, you don’t.
Question for the week:💪Which do you think is weakest in your business: the message/journey, the value transfer, or the user enjoyment?
Reply to this email with your answer.
I read every one, and reply to as many as I can.
Have a good weekend humans,